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Reading the Hugos (and Nebulas) 2022 - Novelettes

  Novelette Nominees Reviews “Bots of the Lost Ark” by Suzanne Palmer Hugo Nominee (Clarkesworld, Jun 2021) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Very enjoyable SF story about a ship and its bots with Murderbot-like characters and humor and Terry Pratchett-like use of English... (yes, those are big compliments) (I get the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" reference, but I don't remember enough of the movie to appreciate it)  Quotes:  "...we will all be relieved of the burden of worrying about any and all of our functions thereafter"   "Though the trouble the bots had gotten up to over the last sixty-eight years could objectively be said to have undone much of the appreciation they’d once been owed." Tags:  ai, humor “Colors of the Immortal Palette”, by Caroline M. Yoachim Hugo & Nebula Nominee (Uncanny Magazine, Mar/Apr 2021) ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Well written, artsy, complicated, philosophical historical fiction. No, don't think Twilight. This one is about art, time, grief, being a minority/an outsid...

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